Tax Reform: Atiku urges N,Assembly mmenbers to ensure bill align with Nigerians interests

Atiku Abubakar, former vice-president, has asked the national assembly to ensure that the content of the proposed tax reform bills align with the interests of Nigerians in its final analysis.
In a post on X on Sunday, Abubakar said the public hearing process must facilitate open and inclusive participation by all stakeholders.
The senate passed the four tax reform bills proposed by President Bola Tinubu for a second reading on November 28.
Although the proposed legislations continue to face strong opposition from northern Nigeria’s elites, the upper chamber is expected to hold a public hearing on the bills in the coming weeks.
Lending his voice to the debate, the former vice-president emphasised the need for objectivity and transparency in the conduct of the public hearing by the national assembly.
“I have followed the intense public discourse on the Tax Reform Bills with keen interest,” Abubakar wrote.
“Nigerians are united in their call for a fiscal system that promotes justice, fairness, and equity.
“They are loud and clear that the fiscal system we seek to promote must not exacerbate the uneven development of the federating units by enhancing the status of a few states while unduly penalising others.
“I call for objectivity and transparency in the conduct of the public hearing being organised by our representatives in the National Assembly.
“As a concerned stakeholder, I firmly believe that transparency and objectivity are essential for promoting accountability, good governance, and public trust in policy-making.
“The public hearing process must facilitate open and inclusive participation by all stakeholders, including civil society organisations, traditional institutions, politicians, public officials, and subject matter experts.
“The NASS must be appropriately guided and ensure that in the final analysis, the contents of the Bills align with the interests of the vast majority of Nigerians.”
He urged the national assembly to review and disclose the resolutions of the national economic council (NEC) on the tax reform bills.
On October 3, Tinubu asked the national assembly to consider and pass four tax reform bills.
The proposed laws include the Nigeria tax bill, tax administration bill, and the joint revenue board establishment bill.
The president is also seeking to repeal the law establishing the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and replace it with the Nigeria Revenue Service.
The NEC on October 31 asked the president to withdraw the tax reform bills from the national assembly to give room for consultations.
But Tinubu refused to consider the council’s recommendation